Journal 4

Journal 4

In The End of Food by Lizzie Widdiecombs, we are introduced to Rob Rhinehart, a entrepreneur who is just barely getting by. Rhinehart was getting tired of his lifestyle and needed a change. He came up with a list of thirty-five ingredients needed for survival, which he then turned into the magical “Soylent”. Rhinehart created this product as a meal replacement. He goes on to describe this product as a magic potion with all the nutrients you need to survive. This Soylent product does wonders for your body. It helps clear up skin, improve physique, make teeth whiter, hair thicker, and more. What more could you ask for? It’s a cost effective way to obtain your nutrients while not spending a dime, it is what you would call a life hack. It’s not just a money saver but also a time saver. There’s no need to spend time cooking or preparing food anymore. You’re giving yourself more time in the day to do whatever you’d rather be doing. Rhinehart decides his product has potential and value and realizes he could make a company out of it. He went from a broke man to selling over 30,000 units of Soylent for $65 to consumers all over the world. Rhinehart goes on to say that this is the future of food, it’s the end of food.

Soylent may seem like a great product to have to some people but for most I don’t think they would want it. Sure this Soylent product may be all hype in the beginning but I know for a fact it wouldn’t last for long, like most things in todays society. Food is a big part of everyone’s day-to-day life. Everyone enjoys food. We like to be able to taste our food; we like to feel all the different textures and consistencies that food has to offer. I personally like to chew my food not drink it, it gives me more time to enjoy what I am eating. Food is a diverse and cultural thing so why would we give it up for a single meal replacement that has no meaning to us. Soylent may have great benefits but is it really worth it?

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