Journal 11

Journal 11

In chapter fourteen of They say, I Say I thought it was interesting when they suggested that changing the opening question of an argument, it changes the way you look at the reading. This makes sense, it’s not something I really ever considered or thought about though. I feel like when we are given a question to focus on, we just focus on that one thing, we are just trying to answer that particular question. In this case we sort of just ignore everything else as we see it as not important. But by changing that overall question, we are changing the overall thought process of the individual. You begin to think more about how the author responded to the argument as well as how it provoked other arguments. You begin to think less about the overall text of the argument. By doing this you are understanding more than just the authors views but also understanding the views on the type of discussion and debate. Another good point that was brought up is how writers will “build their case” by responding to a lack discussion. They do this by pointing out things that others may have overlooked. They try to identify different ideas or things no one ever really talks about. I feel like not a lot of people do this, most people try to lean towards what others found because they know it’s right. But by looking at unknown things allows for us to discover and introduce new concepts and ideas into the situation.

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